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WEBVTT 1 "" (0) 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.835 Have everybody on this call? 2 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:00:07.714 --> 00:00:12.550 Oh. C. 3 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:00:12.550 --> 00:00:24.156 Jason to be there except for Jason I think we are good. Who else is supposed to come Jason? 4 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:00:24.156 --> 00:00:32.896 I don't know if Corey is gonna be joining us today. 5 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:00:32.896 --> 00:00:35.586 Is he out or something? 6 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:00:35.586 --> 00:00:42.496 No, we're we're all kind of working from home today with the, with the the snow. There's mike. 7 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:00:42.496 --> 00:00:53.055 He's out. I mean Rick has a conflict so he's not joining. I think between you and I think you're good. Let's get started. 8 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:00:53.055 --> 00:01:01.052 Yeah, Corey was Corey's been kind of instrumental in, getting the, the. 9 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:01:01.052 --> 00:01:04.093 The stamp. 10 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:01:04.093 --> 00:01:08.674 Part of it built up so far but. 11 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:01:08.674 --> 00:01:32.799 Okay ok let's let's get started with my action items then from last week son provided documentation, this is last week I think Don said he's actually, he's actually, he's given some information, right? Don? 12 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:01:32.799 --> 00:01:54.425 I did yes, so I put it in an email replied back. So some of the stuff that we're looking for in here is already in the, the guide that we have up on chalk, and I just put in where the relative sections were for that. 13 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:01:54.425 --> 00:02:01.207 So, I don't know if, Michael is on this call. 14 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:02:01.207 --> 00:02:04.206 Yeah, he joined us a couple of minutes ago. 15 "Michael Seay" (3098508288) 00:02:04.206 --> 00:02:09.683 Yeah, I put up whatever Don sent, at least as far as the documents go, so. 16 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:02:09.683 --> 00:02:24.287 Right, so yeah, we put it up, so Mike had put in the updated document it was I think the one we had in there was from November and we had an updated one from December, so we just updated that document. 17 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:02:24.287 --> 00:02:31.627 Who's supposed to validate that information Michael, do you know? Is it Jason and Corey? 18 "Michael Seay" (3098508288) 00:02:31.627 --> 00:02:33.462 Well, when you say validate. 19 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:02:33.462 --> 00:02:39.925 Meaning understand, understand that this documentation is is enough, complete blah blah blah. 20 "Michael Seay" (3098508288) 00:02:39.925 --> 00:02:53.246 I guess that would be them if they're following the process and if it works, that would be, I guess the answer to that, but. 21 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:02:53.246 --> 00:02:58.325 It is complete, but we will have to validate it again. 22 "Michael Seay" (3098508288) 00:02:58.325 --> 00:03:12.783 I mean it's been your documentation, so other than that, if nothing's working, then we just let Don know. 23 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:03:12.783 --> 00:03:20.729 So Jason, Gulchin and Corey, when you guys start looking into it, if it doesn't make sense, please let us know. 24 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:03:20.729 --> 00:03:24.764 Yep, we'll do. Yeah. 25 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:03:24.764 --> 00:03:29.886 So at this point that we have it stood up in stamped, is that correct? 26 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:03:29.886 --> 00:03:50.240 The, yeah, the th the base, the base system is there. I haven't had a chance to start going through it to to look at configuration and importing Any devices into the HN control yet at this point. I Knowshion provided me a list of. 27 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:03:50.240 --> 00:04:06.805 Late last week of the of the A ten devices that we have in the stamp area, so I just need to look and and and start going through the process. I've been kind of tied up with A ten emergencies, I mean F five emergencies this week. 28 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:04:06.805 --> 00:04:08.943 Thank you for the correct. 29 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:04:10.643 --> 00:04:12.984 Yes yes. 30 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:04:12.984 --> 00:04:29.099 So, so do me a favor as as we, as we progress through that, if I could get access to the attent control because I I can get into stamps if I can get, if I can get access to the attent control, I can go in and take a look and do some validations too. 31 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:04:29.099 --> 00:04:45.749 Okay, yeah, yeah, I'll I'll have to look and see what, I know he did I know Corey had has didn't set up any kind of LDAP authentication or anything on there right now, just I believe just a super user account on there. 32 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:04:45.749 --> 00:04:58.645 Yeah not so sure if you guys are comfortable sharing that password but it's up to you I'd be happy to look, but you guys, you know, let me know what you need from me as far as getting in, you know, and helping out there. 33 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:04:58.645 --> 00:05:25.349 Okay, ok. Yeah, basically gonna be going through the the stamp environment and using it to kind of kind of test bed the the the the ingestion of the devices into there, you know, testing out the process, make sure that works and then we'll follow through the similar process on the on the the prod systems as we build those up. And that's where we'll definitely definitely definitely want more, more input from there to make sure things are going right on that side for sure. 34 "Gulshan Kaur" (473564672) 00:05:25.349 --> 00:05:29.605 Yeah. 35 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:05:29.605 --> 00:05:41.128 Okay. So Don, for this one you were, you were gonna send some information in the email, right? 36 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:05:41.128 --> 00:05:42.664 Sh. 37 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:05:42.664 --> 00:05:45.284 Onboarding line. 38 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:05:45.284 --> 00:05:51.855 Clients requirements. You said that's not happening in this release? 39 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:05:51.855 --> 00:06:09.749 Right, alright so that's that's the crowd strike and the other software we were talking about, right? Yeah, so for that, so for the So I think with CrowdStrike. 40 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:06:09.749 --> 00:06:37.984 Yeah, what's the other one? So that that I've gotta talk to engineering about, right? Cause we can't we right now we don't know how it's gonna impact the system and it wasn't a requirement until two weeks ago. So that's I've reached out to engineering, I'm waiting to hear back on that. 41 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:06:37.984 --> 00:06:41.247 Not really. 42 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:06:41.247 --> 00:06:59.527 Basically, that's gonna have to be probably like a feature request that we add if we can do this. This is the 1st like I like Don said, this is the 1st we've heard of this, and so we are we are gonna be searching for answers for you. 43 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:06:59.527 --> 00:07:11.789 Okay cool. Now design for deployment, this is what I think Jason and all were talking about. So do we have a document ready Jason or NO? 44 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:07:11.789 --> 00:07:32.269 No, NO. Like I say this this week I I I I have not had a chance since our last meeting to dig into any of the A Ten stuff. I've I've been neck deep in, in F five weirdness this this last week, our big IP, our big IQ has been kind of acting up on us. 45 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:07:32.269 --> 00:07:39.739 Okay, so I'm gonna 18 date for now, next Wednesday, so let us know what's going on. 46 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:07:39.739 --> 00:07:41.006 Please. Okay. 47 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:07:41.006 --> 00:07:53.367 Yeah, can I ask you something on, the crowdstrike? Does, big IQ, do they, does that already have CrowdStrike implemented on that? Is that. 48 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:07:53.367 --> 00:08:13.549 Biggiq does big IQ does not. The way, the way we have to install bigiq, it's it's it's strictly an OVA and we we cannot install anything on top of Big IQ. So for that particular one, we had to go through security to get. 49 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:08:13.549 --> 00:08:17.618 To get an exception for for these for these tools. 50 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:08:17.618 --> 00:08:37.643 Sure. And yet now they're saying NO exceptions at this point because it sounds like based on what when I talked to Don before and Don confirmed, correct me if I'm wrong, it sounds like it's a similar thing in the case of A ten control and so I mean, we're gonna try our best for you guys. 51 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:08:37.643 --> 00:09:03.183 It's a slight difference in the fact in the fact that ATN control is is a software packaged built on top of a standard Linux release, is it not or I'm not entirely sure because Corey built Corey did the initial build on it, but not me, but it doesn't control is not a software package that you install on top of a. 52 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:09:03.183 --> 00:09:24.428 It's OS. It's an ISO. I mean, you know, OVA is, is a deployment for, for, for VMware, ISO was just a standalone deployment, it's generic so I'll get back with Corey, but it's, it's the same thing. 53 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:09:24.428 --> 00:09:27.126 I mean, you know, you can't it might be just somewhere. Yeah. 54 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:09:27.126 --> 00:09:36.684 Yeah, you can't make those changes to, to the IQ and right now I, you know, I don't, don't think we can make changes to ours. 55 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:09:36.684 --> 00:09:41.238 But we're gonna try and find out, but that actually helps. I appreciate you sharing that. 56 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:09:41.238 --> 00:10:00.525 Yeah yeah yeah yeah it it is it is possible to get exceptions if it's if it's if it is if it is literally a software that you cannot install other pieces on top of it without breaking it it's not easy to get the exceptions, but it is possible. 57 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:10:00.525 --> 00:10:04.727 Okay, good to know, thank you. Thanks. 58 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:10:05.963 --> 00:10:12.366 I'm ready for the fight. No I'm just kidding. 59 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:10:12.366 --> 00:10:23.125 And, what about this one devices identified scale? Where are we with this one? 60 "Gulshan Kaur" (473564672) 00:10:23.125 --> 00:10:35.509 Devices we are still on the stamp environment being built up so I provided all the required information to Jason as he's mentioned earlier. 61 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:10:35.509 --> 00:10:45.125 Is this line item requirement, is this for, for stamp or is this you looking for those numbers for production? 62 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:10:45.125 --> 00:10:47.507 The production. 63 "Gulshan Kaur" (473564672) 00:10:47.507 --> 00:10:58.708 Yeah, NO, I don't think we we Oh, the devices list I did provide you and I, last week. 68 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:11:17.238 --> 00:11:26.621 And then that should be, should be uploaded into our documentation page, right? Which I will do it. 69 "Gulshan Kaur" (473564672) 00:11:26.621 --> 00:11:46.442 I don't think you need to, we need to upload those on our chart page. You can just keep it in your computer as as just for record and also I think uploaded the same list to the ticket which you just mentioned 776. 70 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:11:46.442 --> 00:11:59.995 It wouldn't be a bad idea to have it listed on the truck page just for for reference there for easier reference of what what ATM devices that we, that we have built into our ATM controls. 75 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:12:12.075 --> 00:12:17.996 And then, this one I guess this is not done yet, right? 76 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:12:17.996 --> 00:12:28.176 Correct. This will be 02:19. Yeah, we can extend that to next week. 77 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:12:28.176 --> 00:12:31.383 I've got to I've got this, have a sit down. 78 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:12:31.383 --> 00:12:57.234 Meeting with the operations guys to to get get an idea for the, the, the, the customer tenants, how, how the existing agent devices are divided amongst the customer groups and and how we need to figure out the the R back for those so figuring out the tenants that we need to to build out. 79 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:12:57.234 --> 00:13:05.559 So what about this one Jason to start looking at any type of ticketing we need to get to prod deployment? 80 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:13:05.559 --> 00:13:32.601 Corey and I were, we're discussing and it's actually for for the the prod deployment as as far as the build of the system, he's Corey is gonna be doing the actual build of the system and then he's gonna after he gets the initial build on there then he'll turn it over to me for for configuration and ingestion of devices and things and such like that, so. 81 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:13:32.601 --> 00:13:35.296 I think so it's gonna be kind of it's gonna be kind. 82 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:13:35.296 --> 00:13:38.118 Have the two of us working together on that, so. 83 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:13:38.118 --> 00:13:58.795 I'm gonna move that around this one because they both are on the same, I guess, right? At that point you will you can actually tell us if you really need to open any ticket for that or deployment because we will have the plan by then. 87 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:14:04.109 --> 00:14:23.775 Yeah I'm not sure what if any ticketing he had to put in to get to get the, the Vmiss built out for for stamp. I don't know if the stamp if the VM cloud team needs to do that or if that's something I I was under the impression we could do that ourselves but I'll have that conversation with Corey. 88 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:14:23.775 --> 00:14:33.535 Let's talk about this when Rick is the content. Okay, so if that was yeah he. 89 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:14:33.535 --> 00:14:51.196 He's done the he's done the job page already. 90 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:14:51.196 --> 00:15:10.998 Okay. I think that's about my action items. Do you want me to go back to our, our project plan and milestone one? So I think we covered all of these things. 91 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:15:10.998 --> 00:15:29.513 Can I can I say something there? So under the vendor support required you've got application become source of truth and able to perform reconciliation. Can we get some more details around what we're asking for there? 92 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:15:29.513 --> 00:15:50.449 So we're, we're, we're kind of stuck on the on the F five side on big IQ, we're kind of stuck in an environment right now where, the, the, the operations guys have got to do a lot of cleanup on their configs on the F five before big IQ can become. 93 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:15:50.449 --> 00:16:20.659 The source of truth of anything, anything in this in this database is, is, is the known, the known standard because they've they've got some they've got a lot of, a lot of config conflicts between the or between the F five devices and we're we're hoping to avoid that with these ATN devices. We want to make sure that, that we get all of the configs properly synced and you know imported into a 10II haven't worked I. 94 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:16:20.659 --> 00:16:50.639 I unfortunately haven't worked with the, didn't get a chance to work with the harmony system at all before before we pulled the plug on it to see how similar it is to the to the big IQ database, so I I don't know if we're gonna run into the same type of deal on these or not. But we, we, we definitely want to want we want this to be the A Ten control to be the single source of truth platform that the, that the operations engineers. 95 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:16:50.639 --> 00:17:10.639 Can say ok we need to go to ATM control to make config changes, not be touching the individual A Ten devices. And so that that's that's the ultimate goal is and that's where we're trying to get to with F five but it's gonna be about because those guys are working as hard as they can to get their conf. 96 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:17:10.639 --> 00:17:32.973 Big issues cleaned up on the, on the F five devices so that we can get to that point on big IQ, but we're just kind of hoping to head that off and try to try to make sure we get this deployed in such a way that they can start working ATM control almost exclusively and and push the configs down as needed. 98 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:17:35.836 --> 00:17:39.012 Cause less pain for the. 99 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:17:39.012 --> 00:18:01.018 Yeah, and and as far as the reconciliation that that's, that's, that's more for if we, if we find config differences between control and the configs that are on the devices, you know, is as their easy processes there to to to push the config down to get them back into sync, get them back properly into sync the way they should be. So. 101 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:18:02.176 --> 00:18:23.257 Or if or if the engineers do go out and make a change on the ATN device, can we sync that back to the, back to the ATM control without, without causing issues with the existing config there so. 103 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:18:29.819 --> 00:18:51.235 Anything else you guys want to discuss other than I think for with this milestone we are covered on this. Should we start talking about this one which Jason is already working on it 1st two of them. 104 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:18:51.235 --> 00:19:07.069 Yeah, yeah, the software is deployed at this point we've just gotta start I need to get her in there and start playing around and and getting the A Ten devices onboarded onto that one so we can see how this, see how this behaves more. 105 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:19:07.069 --> 00:19:18.725 Works so we can more easily plan our our tenant structure for the for the product system, so. 108 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:19:27.358 --> 00:19:32.941 Okay, anything else guys that you guys wanna bring it up on this call? 109 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:19:32.941 --> 00:19:38.999 Hey Sonnia It's I just joined just want to make sure you don't have anything for me. 110 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:19:38.999 --> 00:19:58.559 We were talking about 1 s, show you something. We were talking about one of the action items. Jason to start looking at any type of ticketing we need to get to prod development. So this one. 111 "Sandhya Gali" (2067695360) 00:19:58.559 --> 00:20:08.726 You know, we were talking about the deployment stamp deployment, production deployment, but what Jason's question is what type of ticketing are you looking for? 113 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:20:13.921 --> 00:20:29.845 Yeah yeah well yeah I don't know if I don't know if if the ticket if do we, if we require any ticketing as far as standing up the VMs, I think we can pretty much build those ourselves, can't we. 114 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:20:29.845 --> 00:20:40.733 Yeah, if yeah, I think that Corey usually builds them himself. I think it's more on if there's like a firewall that needs or ACL that needs to be allowed, that kind of stuff, right? 115 "Jason Bennett" (811170048) 00:20:40.733 --> 00:20:54.101 So yeah That's what it's referencing, right? So, yeah, we we will need to make sure all of the ATM devices individually can can can reach the tools pod where we I assume we're standing this up in the. 116 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:20:54.101 --> 00:21:07.657 In general, it's really for, we would just want to make sure we have any tickets open for any outside support we're gonna need to get, you know, the production instance up and running. Right. Yep. 123 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:21:22.058 --> 00:21:32.023 Yeah, sorry I had a conflict. I just finished that call and jumped on this one, so Rick, you had a question about crowdstrike, right? Can you. 125 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:21:32.773 --> 00:21:59.379 Thank you please? Oh yeah, Don, so we did see your email. I thought I don't know if you saw Corey's response, but we got a hard requirement now for these like clients to be installed for whatever reason, right? There's a CrowdStrike is one, there's tanium, which is another one that's basically for patching and stuff like that are doing installs. It's like an automated online system for. 126 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:21:59.379 --> 00:22:24.859 That there's other stuff too I couldn't name off the top of my head, but, those are the things that we're gonna need A ten control to support before it's it goes into production, right? So, the exception process that they have isn't really an exception, it's per se, right? You know, by the definition of exception. 127 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:22:24.859 --> 00:22:44.302 The way Charter is defining that is basically will give you an exception, but it's basically the vendor needs to work towards getting compliant and give us a basically a target date to be compliant. That's what they're looking for now. 130 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:22:49.681 --> 00:23:03.448 And then I can, but, you know, we're, we're requesting and we're talking. But Don Dawn can explain, but there, there are some technical issues on why this cannot be done possibly. So Don's. 132 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:23:05.823 --> 00:23:15.571 I mean it's, you know, this, this isn't an open system, it's not an open Linux system, right? It's, it's a closed system. Right. 133 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:23:15.571 --> 00:23:21.870 And trying to get that by security doesn't seem to be working. They're just telling us you need to get it installed. 135 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:23:22.872 --> 00:23:28.891 Not really giving us any, any leeway anymore. They basically hard stance to get it done. 136 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:23:28.891 --> 00:23:41.750 Alright, so I'm gonna reach out to our engineering group, we'll see what, what, what kind of feedback we get. I mean if it's gotta be hardened, does it have to be CrowdStrike? 137 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:23:41.750 --> 00:23:52.589 They're, I know crowdstrike strike is definitely a hard requirement for that type of thing that they don't use any other vendor for that type of. 138 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:23:52.589 --> 00:24:12.589 The activity tracking, but I would say or Don, if you have questions in that regard to, to get with Corey because he's pretty fluent in the way security has been requiring us to do things, so you can bounce anything off of him and he should be able to get you an answer. 141 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:24:17.391 --> 00:24:33.739 Thank you. Yep. Yeah, and the way, you know, from our perspective, we're kind of stuck in the middle, right? We're getting told by security that this has to be done and you know you're not the only vendor that's, you know, told us this, right? And we're dealing with. 142 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:24:33.739 --> 00:24:55.002 About that as well with them, but it's definitely a change since last year or year before, right? Don't know why they changed the stance on that, but it is what it is and you know like I said, we're kind of stuck in the middle here trying to, to do what we can to be compliant, right? 143 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:24:55.002 --> 00:25:05.603 Right. Yeah, NO, I, I understand that. I just don't know we gotta work it out with engineering whether we could even support it. 144 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:25:05.603 --> 00:25:18.450 Right, and then, you know, whatever you guys come back with, you know, maybe we can try and get a meeting set up to discuss it with the powers that be with security to, to see what they say and, you know, go from there. 147 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:25:32.089 --> 00:26:06.892 So, I'm sorry, go ahead. So I didn't hear that. I mean I knew that originally you guys wanted that we had gotten the cloud team available, and they would be available to work with you guys, but product team, Don and I are gonna need to circle back because I think Donn had had some conversations with Jose who was in town last week, Don's boss, and we're trying to find a person that would be a direct contact for you guys. But the cloud team that does do all the support and was your point of contact through harmony and spent a lot of time with you. 154 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:26:29.648 --> 00:26:51.546 Yeah. Okay, so just going forward for this project Jason Gulsean and Corey's not on here, but I'll I'll let him know just for as we, as we did that last year with harmony, just use the same if you need to open up a ticket, is that the process still, right? How we, how we engage here? 156 "Don Q" (3952879616) 00:26:56.370 --> 00:27:07.850 It it is it is and and and we've already spoken with that group and with Nojula and they're all well aware that we're going through this process again, so happy to help us. 157 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:27:07.850 --> 00:27:26.830 Alright, appreciate that and yeah Jason Golsen, that's your resource for now, just wanna make sure we're covered there and the list of items was in that job page just to make sure we're covering every need. Margaret I don't know if you saw that or not. I think it's in the email I. 160 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:27:33.245 --> 00:28:02.145 That's really all I have. And I will tell this, I I know you were on the meeting last week, but this is not a, this is not blowing smoke and all that kind of stuff. Charter really is incredibly important to A ten. And I mean, literally many of the features that are in A Ten control are because of charter. So, you know, if you're not getting what you need, just continue to tell us. We might not I I'm gonna be honest with you. We are small. 161 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:28:02.145 --> 00:28:04.777 Our company and we're not tiny, but we are. 162 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:28:04.777 --> 00:28:11.489 It might take us a little bit to find some resources for you. 163 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:28:11.489 --> 00:28:36.482 We don't have professional services, so I do want to make that clear. We don't have professional services in somebody that can sit there with you, but we will find the resources needed within the company and be able to get you the answers. The they look all the way up to the CEO listens to Don and I and li and listens to charter. It's, this is not a joke, this is very serious to the, to the company, and so we'll find you the resources. 168 "Richard Whelan" (2041360128) 00:28:45.697 --> 00:29:10.083 For sure. We just want to make sure that we're getting, you know, everything in place the correct way using best practices, that kind of stuff, right? A lot of the try to avoid a lot of the stuff that we had to, you know, go through with harmony. And I'm not saying it was a tense fault, right? It's, it's, you know, I just want to make sure that we're talking about the correct things while we're trying to do this deployment and making sure we're covering every base. 171 "Margaret" (423603968) 00:29:13.699 --> 00:29:25.961 Oh, we, Don and I agree a million percent because if this is successful, this impacts everything else we do with charter. So we are, we're on the same page with you. Okay.
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Weekly Team Updates
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Trade Proposals
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League Announcements
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Post-Game Recaps
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Data Analysts
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Fantasy Football Email Template tool?
The Fantasy Football Email Template tool is designed to help users create personalized and engaging email communications for their fantasy football leagues, including updates, reminders, and announcements.
Can I customize the email templates?
Yes, the tool allows for extensive customization. You can modify text, images, and layouts to suit your league's branding and communication style.
Is there a mobile version of the tool?
Currently, the Fantasy Football Email Template tool is optimized for desktop use. However, you can access it on mobile devices through a web browser, though the experience may vary.
Are there any templates for different types of leagues?
Yes, the tool includes a variety of templates tailored for different league formats, such as standard, PPR, and dynasty leagues, ensuring that you can find the right fit for your needs.
How do I track the performance of my emails?
The tool provides analytics features that allow you to track open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics, helping you understand how your emails are performing.